For a long time, staffing has been through a grey phase where the challenge of bridging the gap of demand versus supply was imbalanced. With time, many a channel was introduced; albeit with a lot less success as compared to the number of channels. And, choosing the right channel to focus on the demand of staffing solutions and the perfect coordination between time and quality was in itself a time-consuming affair. The act of rebalancing was the key needed. Many a brain-storming session later, newer methods were introduced, but the one channel which has seen a great thrust has been the burst of social media platforms.
Gone are the days of just scanning databases, portals or even headhunting. The social media tsunami has overtaken all of these and has proved to be beneficial not only in meeting the staffing needs but also simultaneously build the brand of the company. Some of the popular and non-traditional digital waves are, but not restricted to; Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Personal Blogs and LinkedIn.
As more and more organizations realize the potential of making their social media presence felt, the resulting feel-good factor about the organization increases thereby making the potential employee more comfortable with his/her choice.

The reach of social media is enormous and very effective as the time taken to reach the precise audience is considerably reduced. The brand positioning of the organization has also undergone a sea-change and this has proven its effectiveness in solving the staffing conundrum efficiently.
As more and more organizations join in to ride the Digital and Social media swell, it becomes pertinent to relook at the age-old methods of staffing and embrace the novel approach. The upsurge is yet to reach its full zenith and there is still more to look forward to!
Thoughts by –Mahesh P.K
Aavishkaar Consulting
Oct 16, 2024
2 min read